10 Oct 2010

Attaching The Ears

Now for another problem; when unhiding my head, the ears are positioned inside the head. This is because when creating the head, there was a lot of guess work involved because of the volume of my hair. To solve this, I simply moved the vertices surrounding the ear inwards to create a small cavity for the ear.

Once in place, to attach the ear, firstly a back had to be created to make the ear 3 dimensional. Holding shift and dragging edges inwards allowed a quick and easy back to be produced, and after matching up the number of edges for ataching the two entities together (easier than I thought!)

Once happy with the cavity around the ear, the back of the ear and the edges, I simply created polygons to attach the two entities to make them one.

Now when I did this the first time, as shown below somewhere along the line the symmetry modifier was lost. This resulted in the opposite ear not being created.

Rather than have to do all the work again (UNDO was not available to that point) I tried to look at the entity and see what was wrong.

It seemed there were miscellaneous vertices in the environment that were not part of the actual entity (messy work on my part). These were found and removed at a later stage, but I could not identify them for some reason at this point. Nevertheless, I tried to apply the symmetry modifier after attaching the ear, which theoretically would produce the desired results. (Image on left).

After revealing that it would not, I went back to a file before the ear attachment and reattached it in the same fashion keeping an eye on the symmetry modifier (right image). This shows the final head after this was successful.

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