19 Oct 2010

Texture Mapping Continued; Normals

Firstly, here is my complete texture map, (notice I have gone to the detail of removing the ear piercing from the side I don't have!).

Using a normals render without visible edges the depth of features on the face could be determined.

Please notice the left side of the upper lip. I noticed that my map did not match up with my mesh in some areas, (especially the lips e.g. not tall enough). I followed the tutorial and marked up the texture map file, but found that editing the texture map at this point to be unsuccessful and looking unrealistic! The colours were not right and too constant throughout the whole lip. Having noticed this after mixing the layers and patching, the only option after seeing that copying in patches again was ineffective was to "draw" it in using the clone tool. The problem was, I think, that the source for the clone is too small to give a useful sample.

This was ineffective and so I decided to leave this factor and move on through the tutorials.

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