20 Oct 2010

Specular Map

I have created a specular map for the mesh to make a more realistic light distribution.

The first time I imported this into MAX there was a problem; the fringe had some extra light, perhaps where I had not gotten rid of the embossing effect or the more likely I think, that when changing the Levels in the adjustments menu, the level of white is too high in this area. So putting this into MAX, this is what happened:

There is a horrible shine around the fringe, ghastly white areas that looks awful. Also, all over the skin there is a "freckly" effect where the levels weren't dark enough. However when trying to modify this, levels for other areas of the image were unusable.

My first attempt to fix things only made this worse. Trying to adjust the levels or paint over the area just resulted in the following (below, left).

To fix the problem I had I simply turned off the layer creating the problems and created a solid black layer to sit behind the drawn in highlighted areas (above, right).

Then to recreate the irregularity of the skin and it's composition I distorted the layer with a the texturizer modifier (sandstone) to give it more detail.

And there you go, hey presto, you have a bumpy, light-controlled, realistic looking head! The way the skin reacts to the light is relative to the oiliness of the skin and now looks realistic in that sense.

And that completes my head!

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