30 Sept 2010

The Group Work

Having had a delightful presentation from Elli about the Group Project, I have been enlightened with the thought of portraying Essex in such a positive way.

It was a shock to hear such facts about Essex - the place I have lived all my life - and upon writing this post I think that maybe some of those facts should be shared in our group animation to show just what an interesting place Essex is! For instance, I couldn't believe we have 350 miles of coastline! And that Colchester was the capital of England even before London existed!

I have contributed ideas towards our group animation and hopefully we can agree on an idea that we all like, and that will be to Elli's liking.

Modelling Part 1; Prep Work

I have watched the videos for the first stage of modelling; the preperation.

Using photoshop I have used the Lens Correction modifier to flatten the photographs of my head (both front and profile views).

Following this I combined the two images and made horizontal guidelines (in light blue) to line the two up (also rotating the profile view slightly so all features of the face are lined up properly).

Then I marked off the protrusions and creases of my face as guidelines of contours and to give an idea of depth in the image (darker blue) and then divided the image into polygons ready for modelling in red.

Finally the image of both views has been imported into 3ds max to create the guides using planes.

(More screens)

29 Sept 2010

Intial Thoughts On The Module

My first thoughts on the module are mainly negative! I used 3ds Max last year for another 3d module, and really did not get on with the software at all.

The difficulties I had were mostly with the materials; they did not look very realistic and I really struggled with the UVW mapping modifier. Also overcomplicating the modelling stage in general made my work a lot harder than it needed to be.

So to have to do another 3d module now, I am quite anxious about the results at this stage.