12 Oct 2010

Lips, Eyes & Redoing the UVW Mapping

I have had to redo the UVW Map stage completely, as I forgot a part of the topology!

Having not adjusted the eyes and created lips at all, I had to jump back down to the editable poly stage, which mucked up the textures.

Holding shift and dragging edges allowed lips to be made, and I also adjusted the eyes to be able to support eyeballs. It now looks more realistic, (from close-range).

Doing the UVW Unwrap a second time, I found that things went a lot more smoothly. Once again creating a cylindrical plane for the head, relaxing the faces of the head seperately from the ear gave more flexibility in the use of UVW editing.

The second time round, for no apparent reason the pelt modifier seemed to work properly and properly commit after closing the modifier, as shown below. I also fixed ALL inverted and overlapping faces, much to my surprise.

It was more difficult to weld the two halves together this time though, the vertices were farther apart and had more of an arc in shape. This was no real problem, just time consuming.

So after a foolish mistake, and a bit more time spent, I now have a mesh with lips and suitable eyes with correct material layouts. Yey!

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