18 Oct 2010

Completing the Texture Map

Here are the final stages of the completion of the texture map in terms of initial map creation.

Filling up the last few areas was a pain, the ears especially were hard. Where my hair was overlapping my ears in the source photographs, this has been carried forward to the material map and as you can see by the right image above it does not look very realistic. Therefore this was removed and using initiative other skin coloured areas were used to "recreate" the ear.

Using Hue / Saturation it was fairly easy to match colours up; simply sliding the values for both allowed for visual comparison between the layer in question and the surrounding layers. (This was done before the merging of layers, and for each layer the modification was merged down with that layer so it did not affect any others (found this out the hard way!).

The nostrils were easier than I had first thought with the simple filling up the hole with a skin tone colour using the clone tool. Using the patch tool got rid of all the lines and colour differences between the different portions of skin. THIS TOOL IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I actually love this tool, it was so helpful and once I figured out how to use it effectively, it was unreal how quick and useful it could be.

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